Interview with Connie Guberman

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Participant: Connie Guberman
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Professor Connie Guberman came to the University of Toronto Scarborough College as a TA in the mid-1980s. At that time she was a graduate student in the department of Political Economy on the St. George Campus. Prof. Guberman has had an extensive career as an activist and scholar in the field of women's studies with a focus on issues of equity, diversity and violence against women. She shares some of the issues facing women in the late 70s and early 80s including gender segregated spaces, her role as an activist around women's rights, violence against women and the early course work and developing programs around women's studies. Prof. Guberman describes her role as the Status of Women Officer in the early 2000s and her sense that the real change that has taken place is in the number of silences that have now been broken.
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Professor Connie Guberman came to the University of Toronto Scarborough College as a TA in the mid-1980s. At that time she was a graduate student in the department of Political Economy on the St. George Campus. Prof. Guberman has had an extensive career as an activist and scholar in the field of women's studies with a focus on issues of equity, diversity and violence against women. She shares some of the issues facing women in the late 70s and early 80s including gender segregated spaces, her role as an activist around women's rights, violence against women and the early course work and developing programs around women's studies. Prof. Guberman describes her role as the Status of Women Officer in the early 2000s and her sense that the real change that has taken place is in the number of silences that have now been broken.