Interview with Chris Ambidge

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Participant: Chris Ambridge
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Chris Ambidge, Professor of Chemistry, came from the UK with his family in the 1960s to Scarborough, and talks about his educational journey. He shares how he came to teach chemistry at Scarborough College and then moved to the St. George campus. He also speaks to his experience and consciousness of being gay at a time that queer students were bullied. He goes on to talk about his involvement in the church and having LGBT-inclusion. He is still the president of the Anglican Church Toronto-chapter of Integrity and designated gay spokesperson. Chris also touches upon the buildings at UTSC and shares personal stories.
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Interview with Chris Ambidge - Thumbnail

Chris Ambidge, Professor of Chemistry, came from the UK with his family in the 1960s to Scarborough, and talks about his educational journey. He shares how he came to teach chemistry at Scarborough College and then moved to the St. George campus. He also speaks to his experience and consciousness of being gay at a time that queer students were bullied. He goes on to talk about his involvement in the church and having LGBT-inclusion. He is still the president of the Anglican Church Toronto-chapter of Integrity and designated gay spokesperson. Chris also touches upon the buildings at UTSC and shares personal stories.